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  • Interviewing


    Listen to the user‘s voice

  • Observation


    See how users behave

  • Interaction exploration

    Digital content follows physical wheel

  • BeoSound 5


    Listen to the user‘s voice

User Insights & Exploration

One of the first steps when developing new products is to gather user insights and explore different ideas. The involvement of users and customers at this early stage is critical to ensure the product adequately addresses their needs. In this process the product features and functionality are scoped and evaluated with target users, using mock-ups and early prototypes.

This service brings most value in the discovery and scoping stages of a project. By gathering input from user at these early stages of the project, we create a solid foundation for further development. This service typically includes the following activities:

  • Gather user insights.
  • Explore ideas and concepts.
  • Test ideas and concepts with target users.